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Day One Society

Day One Society's Board President: Marilyn McLean

A strong organization requires a solid foundation. With Day One Society, it's not just the visible faces working to provide services and programs that bring hope, help, and healing to youth and adults experiencing substance use challenges; it also includes those behind the scenes responsible for the organization's governance. One such face is the Board of Directors’ President, Marilyn McLean.

With a career spanning over 35 years, Marilyn initially got acquainted with the then Phoenix Centre when she was Assistant Superintendent at School District 73, responsible for the contract with the Centre (now Day One Society). Before working in the school board office, she had firsthand experience working with Raven Program counsellors assigned at the Twin Rivers Education Centre, where she was the principal.

"In 2015, I saw an ad in the newspaper where the Society was looking for Board members. Given my very positive work with this agency, I applied," said Marilyn, who has been on the Board ever since and has served as President for the past five years. "It is an honour to be a part of this great organization."


With composure and a forward-thinking attitude, Marilyn strives to communicate clearly and ensure all Board members feel heard before reaching conclusions. From ensuring good governance to being the bridge between the Executive Director and the Board, she ensures that a healthy working relationship exists between all.


"Regular communication and honest discussions are a natural part of our working relationship, and this helps ensure that the vision, commitment and actions are all working towards goal achievement," she added.


For Marilyn, the incredible work of Day One Society’s staff and the expertise and passion of the Board members, coupled with the life-changing and healthy community building of the organization, keep her motivated.

As she recalls, one of the most rewarding experiences of her job is the Out of the Ashes Bursary winners attending the Annual General Meeting every year.


“The bursary winners have such interesting stories, and they are so thankful for the money the bursary provides for them to better their future. It is an inspiring night!” she shared.


(L to R) Sian Lewis, Executive Director and Marilyn McLean, Board Chair of Day One Society | Photo by Katelyn Faulkner Photography

Marilyn sees a lot more to do for Day One Society and a lot more that the Society can do for those in need. Her plans for the organization include providing more recovery spaces for individuals and offering added support. With the youth wing open after receiving the Youth Detox contract, she also wants to see that program grow to provide more outreach in the community once youth have been to detox.


Moreover, Marilyn wants to see a Sobering and Assessment Centre built, and she now awaits the results of the proposal led by the City of Kamloops in consultation with the Day One Society.


"Day One Society is a logical choice for this program, and having this centre in our city would be so beneficial for the individuals needing the service as well as the RCMP and the emergency ward at Royal Inland Hospital,” she said.


Beyond her commitment to Day One Society, Marilyn has been volunteering for the British Columbia Special Olympics for 44 years, serving as volunteer coordinator, head coach for Rhythmic Gymnastics, and a part-time coach for youth programs. As a mother of two, she also loves to read and bake cookies and is a paddling enthusiast since her husband restores cedar canvas canoes.


Day One Society is fortunate to have a visionary such as Marilyn, whose foresight leadership and optimistic attitude, set her apart. She embodies a strong, resilient leader driven to positively change the community. Wherever one is in their healing journey, we at Day One Society are here.



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